Warm-up: :30 ON :30 OFF 4 rounds of Double Unders
:30 ON :30 OFF Round 1 = pull-up, Round 2= push-up, Round 3= sit-up, Round 4= Air Squat
Part 1. Rowing intervals
50, 10, 20, 30, 40 Kcal Row
Rest: 4:00, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00
Note time it takes to row each of these calorie sets
Rest 10 minutes
Part 2.
Kettlebell workout- choose weight that you can sustain
CAP 12
40 Russian swings (eye level)
30 American swings (overhead)
20 cleans (total)
10 Snatches (total)
50 Hand 2 Hand swings
Note time completed or if over time cap, note reps not completed (12:08 for 8 reps short)
*Note this workout is for Endurance athletes only, the next time to join will be in Session 2 starting December 2nd.