Improve your rowing, body weight movement, kettlebell skill, and aerobic capacity in Winter Endurance!!

Improve your rowing, body weight movement, kettlebell skill, and aerobic capacity in Winter Endurance!!

Winter is upon us but that shouldn’t stop you from maintaining your endurance capacity! Join us in the Winter Endurance Program starting the week of November 4th. Read below for details about this program and feel free to ask any of the coaches for more information.

 Winter endurance is  for athletes looking to improve their rowing, kettlebell skill, body weight movement, and overall endurance capacity. This is an additional program to your regular CrossFit WoDs but is at no cost to Foundry members. Each week, the programming will be sent to you via email. The program is split up into 4 four week training sessions. You can sign up for any amount of sessions but in order to remain in the program, a minimum of 3 CrossFit WoDs and 2 endurance WoDs are required per week. You can sign up for your sessions on the clipboard by the white board starting this week (October 28th)

Session 1: November 4th-December 1st

Session 2: December 2nd-29th

Session 3: December 30th-January 26th

Session 4: January 27th-February 23rd


Program Details:

 Every Sunday, we will have a coached rowing class with instructions about rowing form and efficiency. Since we only have 8 rowers, the class space will be limited but depending on interest, we may open up two class times on Sunday. More information on time will follow. Attendance and registration via Zenplanner will be mandatory to these coached classes on Sunday. The first Sunday class will be on November 10th. After drills and instruction, the remaining time on Sunday will consist on a long distance row. The other workout is done during the week on the endurance athlete’s own time. This workout will be more interval based and include a bodyweight/kettlebell workout as well. The preferred date to do this workout is Wednesday. Athletes may join up to do the workout together, but the regular CrossFit class has priority for space and equipment so please be mindful of busy times at the gym.

Here is a sample week of training in the Winter Endurance Program:











Endurance,  Individual Workout




Endurance, Coached Class


Long Distance



3-4 CrossFit WoDs and 2-3 Endurance WoDs per week is required to stay in the program. 3 endurance WoDs would mean repeating the same intervals on another day and replacing a CF WoD. Athletes must take 1-2 rest days per week.

 Coaches may meet with athletes who are not meeting this requirement to discuss if this program is best suited for them. Athletes may do a CF WoD and an Endurance WoD in the same day but they must wait at least 3 hours in-between workouts. All workouts will be emailed to the endurance athletes each week. An online Google Doc will track progress throughout the program. Sign-up sheet will be available the week before the next session.


On February 22nd 2014, Chicago State University is hosting the Chicago Indoor Rowing Competition. There is a CrossFit Challenge Division in which our box can make a team of 16 to row against other boxes in Chicago. I think this would be an excellent way to show off our hard work throughout the winter. Endurance athletes will be highly encouraged to participate in this event. More information to come on signing up and making teams.


The Summer Endurance Team at the Chicago Half-Marathon. Improve yourself and accomplish your goals!

The Summer Endurance Team at the Chicago Half-Marathon. Improve yourself and accomplish your goals!

Check out the CrossFit Challenge Website



If you are ready to improve yourself throughout the cold months, sign up for Winter Endurance. Ask a coach if you have any questions or email Coach Rachel at rachel@thefoundrychicago.com.