
Box squats are the best way to learn the squat properly, and are a favorite of Westside Barbell, a gym that has produced many of the worlds top powerlifters.  Box squats allow you to feel proper depth, which will help improve your kinesthetic awareness for squat technique.  In addition, sitting on the box followed by flexing to stand will develop additional pulling power for deadlifts and olympic lifts.


Box Squat


*complete :30 banded good mornings after each set REST 2:00



  • broad jump 10 meters in as few attempts as possible
  • multiply jumps x3 and complete reps of wall balls (example: 5 broad jumps = 15 wall balls)


knees to elbows

1:00 ON

REST 2:00

1:00 ON

REST 2:00

1:00 ON

Box Squat (image courtesy of CrossFit Brea)