Partner WoD:
AMRAP Double Unders (each partner gets :60 on the rope)
REST :60
Pull-up AMRAP, switch every 5 reps (2:00 + :01 for each DBL-U rep)
AMRAP Double Unders (each partner gets :60 on the rope)
REST :60
Push-up AMRAP, switch every 5 reps (2:00 + :01 for each DBL-U rep)
AMRAP Double Unders (each partner gets :60 on the rope)
REST :60
Sit-up AMRAP, switch every 5 reps (2:00 + :01 for each DBL-U rep)
AMARP Double Unders (each partner gets :60 on the rope)
REST :60
Air-Squat AMARAP, switch every 5 reps (2:00 + :01 for each DBL-U rep)
*score is total reps on body weight movements
Density Intervals:
Odd: Row for Kcal (40:20)
even: Knees to elbows/ Toes to bar (20:40)