The Foundry Printers Row, The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit
Question of the Day
If you had a time machine, what period of time would you travel to?
200m-400m jog, then…
-10 arm circles forward/back
-10-20 pvc pass throughs
30s work, 15s rest (3 rounds of the following):
-hollow hold
-superman hold
-bar hang/ side swing/ kip
Pull-ups (OTM 10 x 1-5)
On The Minute Strict Pull-ups
Choose from the following options….
A. 1-5 Strict Pull-ups or same as last weekd OTM 8
B. 4 Negatives with a :05 count
C. 10 Ring Rows
*If you have strict pull-ups, focus on feet together, toes pointed, hollow body position and vertical pull.
*Negatives; only use a blue or lesser band. If a green or greater is needed; do ring rows.
Metcon (Time)
For TIme – CAP 18
800m Run
3 Rounds
10 Ring Dips
12 Wallballs
800m Run
*If bands are needed for dips: use the matador bars.
**If more than a blue band is needed for dips, do dips on a box (20″ more challenging, 30″ less challenging)