
The Foundry Union Station, The Foundry Printers Row – CrossFit

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10 minutes to rotate through the following:

10 pvc pass through

8 band pull aparts per level

7 wall squats

7 sumo deadlift high pull

7 push jerk behind the neck

7 overhead squats

Snatch (1 rep every 20s for 10:00)

50% of 1RM

Yes, these are full squat snatches. If you are not great at these, you may catch the rep in a power position and ride out the squat. Not to be confused with a power snatch + an overhead squat complex.

If you fail a rep, rest the next interval and resume at same or lesser weight.


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


200m single arm kb farmers carry (100m each arm) 53/35

20 shoulder to overhead 95/65
Shoulder to overhead should feel light and fast. Minimum: sets of 5.