
The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit

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Front Rack


A: Power Clean (1 x 1 )

18 minutes to find a new 1RM.

Although we are testing your 1RM do your best to stay away from “star fishing”.


B: Getting back to work (AMRAP – Reps)

In teams of 2, alternating as needed.

For As Many Repetitions as Possible in 18 minutes

40 Rowing Calories

30 power cleans

20 pull ups

10 Devil Press

RX: 135 lb. / 95 lb., 50 lb./ 35 lb. per hand

Athletic: 105 lb. / 75 lb., 35 lb. / 20 lb. per hand

Fitness: 75 lb. / 55 lb. , jumping pull ups, 30 lb/15-10 lb. per hand

RX+: 50/35 assault bike (70/50 AD6 bike), 155 lb. / 105 lb.