
The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit


Context: Competition

Mobility: Hips/legs


A: (18.01.10) (Anaerobic Alactic Capacity :15×4(1:11)) (Calories)

Every 3 minutes complete


: 15 second of MAX EFFORT on Assault Bike.

Yes, 3 minutes might look like a lot of rest time, however, this is a MAX effort sprint. And we are training your ability to do that multiple times. So the goal is to achieve the same number of calories every repeat.

(12 minutes total)

B: (18.01.10) Working all around (Time)

For Time CAP 18

5 Rounds of:

20 Alternating SA Russian KB swings 53/35/26

20 sit ups

20 Nurpees (no-push up burpee)

:20 second Right side plank

:20 second Left side plank

RX+ GHD Sit ups

Cash Out

4 rounds of:

:30 second ring support hold

20 db push press (10 per side)

10 push ups