The Foundry Union Station, The Foundry Printers Row – CrossFit
3x in 10 minutes of:
8kb push press per side
8 knees to elbows
8 ring rows/ pulling variation/ kips
8 inchworms with a push up
8 single arm kb swing per side
equipment: light or medium kb
Push Press (Establish a 1RM)
8 @ 30-40%
5@ 40-50%
3@ 50-60%
2-3@ 75%
Heavy singles
Establish a 1RM
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
8x (AMRAP 2 + 30s transition)
1. Max rope climbs
2. Max kb swings (RUS) 53/35
3. Max pullups
4. Max alternating kb snatch 53/35
Groups of no more than 4.
RX+ is 70/53
Score is total reps as a team.