

– Complimentary Yoga for Foundry Members, throughout February at Yoga Six (in the Roosevelt Collection)!

The Foundry Printers Row, The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit

View Public Whiteboard

Warm – Up (No Measure)

1 Round Cindy

– 5 Pull-ups / Ring Rows

– 10 Push-ups

– 15 Air Squats

–1 Minute Couch Stretch – Each Leg

–1 Minute Chest / Arm opening Stretch each arm – Palm flat on wall, fingers facing down, twist chest away

1 Round Cindy

– 5 Pull-ups / Ring Rows

– 10 Push-ups

– 15 Air Squats

Push Jerk (5 x 5 @ 65% +)

*Sets to be completed on a 2:00 clock

*First set is to be completed at 65% of 1RM

*Build weight across working sets

Metcon (2 Rounds for reps)

6 Rounds – 2:00 Work | 1:00 Rest

Odd Rounds:

15 – Pull-ups

AMRAP – KB Swings – Russian (70/53)

Even Rounds:

15 – Thrusters(95/65)

AMRAP – Double Unders

*No sub for DUs….Work on them!!!

*One score for KB Swings

*One score for DUs