The Foundry Printers Row, The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit
Question of the Day
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
12 minutes to get through 2-3 rounds of:
-15 pvc pass throughs (narrow your grip every 5 reps
-8 easy ttb variation or kip/side swings
-8 banded bent over row
-24 band pull aparts (8 at eye level , 8 at chest level, 8 at hip level)
Pull-ups (OTM 14 x 1-10)
Odds: 1-10 Strict Pull-ups
Evens: 1-10 Kipping Pull-ups or Muscle-ups
*Banded strict pull-ups are allowable with up to a green band. Make sure to keep them strict!
*If more than a green band is needed; Odds: 10 Ring Rows, Evens: 10 Bar Kips
Metcon (2 Rounds for reps)
Tabata Tuesday
1. Double Unders – No Sub
2. Alt. Hollow Rocks and Plank Hold
3. Wallballs (20/14)
*complete the entire 8 intervals of any given movement
*1 Minute rest between Tabatas
*2 scores: lowest double under set, lowest wall ball set