The Foundry Union Station, The Foundry Printers Row – CrossFit
Context: Competition
Mobility: Shoulder
Skill Practice Warm Up: Spend 10 minutes working up to a challenging (80-90%)
jerk out of the rack or do 4 reps on the minute for 6 minutes with approx 50-60%.
Club Tropicana (Time)
For time. 5 rounds.
5 Jerks (Health: 55lb / Athletic: 95lb* / Performance: 155lb)
7 Front squats (Health: 55lb / Athletic: 95lb* / Performance: 155lb)
9 toes-to-bar
30′ dumbbell walking lunge – one in each hand (Health: 10lb / Athletic: 20lb*/ Performance: 30lb)
15 burpees
1 min rest
*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)
Scaling Guide: 13 – 25 minutes, about 4:30 per round (including rest)