
Partner WoD:

AMRAP10 (Score in 10m lengths of lunge)

  • 50 Double Unders (sub: 200 singles)
  • 20m Overhead Plate Lunge #45/25

*Partners may work simultaneously but not on the same exercise. Both Partners must complete both parts of each round before either can begin another round.



Hand Balance Skills

20:00 to advance skill, take your time and challenge yourself. Goal is skill advancement not quantity of reps.

*last 2:00 dial practice back to skill attained and perform MAX reps Hand Stand Push-up, MAX  distance Handstand Walk, or MAX time Freestanding Handstand.



5 rounds, 2:00 clock

  • 20 Toes to Bar
  • 50m Bear Crawl (1 floor lap)

*score total rest