
The Foundry Union Station, The Foundry Printers Row – CrossFit

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6 rounds of :20 sec

Air squats

Good mornings

Side lunges

Vertical jumps

Leg swings

Arm circles

Followed by

:30 sec front rack stretch per side.


2 rounds of:

6 clean grip deadlifts

6 upright rows

6 front squats

3 shoulder press

3 push jerks

1 split jerk

Equipment: bar and band.


A: Clean and Jerk (25:00 to establish a 1RM)

Full Clean & Jerk

B: Clean (Establish a 1RM Clean*)

*IF after maxing out your clean and jerk you feel you can hit a heavier clean, you may use the remaining time to do so. THIS IS OPTIONAL.


Metcon (Time)

10 rounds for time, CAP 20

8 thrusters

6 shoulder to overhead

4 front squats
Barbell is @ 75/55

RX+ is 105/75