The Foundry Printers Row, The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit
2-3 rounds with a partner:
-5 ttb or 2 rope lowers while partner hangs on bar in active position
-10m bear crawl (both)
Shoulder Press (5 x 3)
*Sets to be completed on a 2:00 clock
*First set is at 70% of 1RM
*Build weight across working sets
Dips (4 x 8)
-Ring Dips
-Matador Bar Dips
-Banded Matador Bar Dips
*Sets to be completed on a 2:00 clock
*Add weight as necessary to make 8 reps challenging but unbroken
Metcon (Distance)
Teams of 2 – 15 Rounds of 1:00 Work | :15 Transition
Rotate through stations with partner…
A. Rope Climb – 1 for 1
B. Sandbag Lunges (40/20) – 20m for 20m
C. Bear Crawl – 20m for 20m
D. Farmers Handles Carry (2x45s/2x25s) – 20m for 20m
F. Wall Sit – Both athletes hold for the minute
Handstand Walk in place of Bear Crawl
*Score is total distance covered during Lunges, Bear Crawl and Farmers Carry