The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit
Context: training/competition
Mobility: Hips
Skill Work
8 minutes to complete:
5 box step downs @ 3010/ side
5 side plank clam shells per side
A: Deadlift (12 x 2)
12 sets x 2 banded DL
On The Minute 12
12 sets x 2 reps using bands @20×1
Go up 5% heavier from last weeks banded deadlifts.
If you missed last week DLs, use 60% of 1RM and stay there.
Use same band as last week. (about 20-25% of 1RM of band resistance)
At the end take the bands off and complete a technical max drop set.
C: Megan (Time)
For Time CAP 12:
American Kettlebell Swings (health: 26#, athletic*: 35, performance: 53)
*if you have some doubles give this a try as RXd
otherwise scale to:
15-9-6 double unders or 42-30-18 single unders
2-4 rounds
-25 band pull aparts
-20 banded good mornings or 10 GHD hip extension
– 3 minute hollow hold or 1 minute L-sit