
The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit

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Context: Practice

Mobility: Coaches Choice


A: (18.03.08) MAP 10 – 20 min AMRAP (around the world style) (AMRAP – Reps)

20 min AMRAP

1 Minute Bike Cals

1 Minute Row

1 minute GHD hip extensions

1 minute Jump Rope (singles)

1 minute front rack/sandbag/farmers carry (no score)

*If you are doing the open, don’t score this part and focus on constant quality movement.

Rest, Recovery, Mobility

Use the second part of the class for mobility coach led or ROMWOD

Cash Out

If you are not doing the open, you can skip mobility and do this cash out.

On the minute ” Death By: Rope Climbs”

minute 1: 1 rope climb

minute 2: 2 rope climbs

minute 3: 3 rope climbs


continue adding reps each minute until you can not longer complete the work within that minute.

Scale: challeging rope lowers (always shoulders to the floor)

beginner: knees bent up and down

intermedium: legs and hip straight on the way down, knees bent on the way up

advance: straight legs and hips up the way up and down