The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit
Context: training
Mobility: hips
A: Front Squat (3 x 7-6-5 @22×1)
3 sets x 7-6-5 reps @ 2 down, 2 hold, explode up, breath.
Start at 50%-60% and increase weight as long and tempo and position stay true.
12 minutes for this part including warm up set.
active mobility:
90/90 x 10 reps total
5 kneel hip CARs per side
B: Good Mornings (4 x 12-10-8-8 @ 3010)
4 sets x 12-10-8-8 reps @ 3 down, 1 up
every 2 minutes
Start at empty bar and increase weight each set. Be conservative yet challenge yourself on this exercise.
C: (17.12.21) Rock Solid (Time)
For Time:
4 rounds of:
12 Alternating double KB Front Rack Step Ups to 20″(health:10-18#, Athletic*: 26#, performance: 35#)
9 Push press (same)
6* Strict Pull ups (health: 9 ring rows, athletic: banded)
3* strict HSPU (health: 6 push ups, athletic: 3 box hspu or 1 full strict).
RX+ 44/35, 20#/10# weighted strict pull ups