The Foundry Union Station, The Foundry Printers Row – CrossFit
8 minutes for overhead mobility:
– lax ball scap smash
– foam roll lats
– banded lat stretch
then 3 rounds of:
– 15 hollow rocks
– 15 supermans
– 12 banded pull aparts
– 9 pass throughs
– 6 scap pull ups
– 3 push ups
Max Rep Strict Pull Ups (Max Reps)
Strict Pullup MAX rep set
Take 2 attempts if needed
-Compare to score from 09/19
-Try to replicate testing from week one if you used a pull-up variation.
ex. If you used a green band for week 1, use a green band today.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
12 wallballs
6 burpees
3 toes to bar
– The goal should be to complete the wall balls unbroken.
– During toes to bar use your kip or a variation of TTB (ktc, kte, etc). DON’T SWING.