The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit
We are running tomorrow Friday 11/02 Please bring the proper attire.
A: Close Grip Bench Press (7 x 3 @30X1)
Hands 16″ apart. (hands just outside the smooth area of the bar)
Focus on elbows close to the ribcage and shoulders back and down towards the bench.
Suggested Active Recovery day. Either bike or row. (even 1-2 mile run at a EZ pace is weather allows)
If you want a tougher workout, you have 2 choices.
a) complete a missed WOD from earlier this week.
b) Today’s Metcon
Recovery days are not only important because they help build your aerobic system but also rest is needed for the muscles to grow and be able to keep up with your training.
(MAP 10) 20 minutes Assault Bike (Active Recovery) (Calories)
20 minutes Assault Bike (Active Recovery)
(refer to aerobic capacity (flywheel bike) 20 minute max test if looking for score)
(MAP 10) 20 minutes Row (Active Recovery) (Calories)
B: (18.11.01) (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
40 ft suit case carry (AHAP)
40 ft bearcrawl
40 ft broad jump
40 ft crab walk
40 ft side shuffle
every 20ft = 1 rep
1 full round = 10 reps
AHAP = As Heavy As Possible**
**As long as the integrity of the movement doesn’t get affected.