
The Foundry Union Station – Team Metcon

A: (18.01.27) The streets are clear (Time)

For Time CAP 30

In Team of 2

-200 m medball partner run (20#/14#/10#)

2000 m Row

-200 m medball partner run (20#/14#/10#)

150 Double Unders

(Athletic: 100 counting attempts, health: 200 alternating singles)

-200 m medball partner run (20#/14#/10#)

100 Wall Balls (20#/14#/10#)

-200 m medball partner run (20#/14#/10#)

50 Burpees

*Only one person working at a time, work can be divided as desired. Runs are completed together.

RX+: 100 cal bike instead of row, 80#/40# sand bag run, burpees to 6in target.