
This is part 1 of a two-part series on programming.

Workout Programming: Some of you don’t pay attention to it, whereas others nerd out on Wodify every day, mentally rehearsing the pain and glory of completing each workout.

Whatever your perspective, programming has an impact on your fitness, and we want you to have a better understanding of this aspect of our training.

The Foundry Training Philosophy

The goal of our training is to produce long-term fitness and health for our clients. We help you become prepared for all types of physical activities, while building strength, losing body fat and feeling amazing.

We believe the best way to accomplish this is through the smart application of CrossFit’s core principles: Variety, Intensity, and Functional Movement.

New Features, More Results

Although our training philosophy remains the same, recently you may have noticed some workouts feel a bit different. Through a partnership with NCFIT Collective, we are now able to deliver incredibly potent workouts more efficiently, allowing us to focus even more effort on helping you achieve the results you want.

Workouts Published 1-Week in Advance

Previously, we made workouts available to view 1-2 days in advance. We are now publishing workouts to Wodify every Thursday evening for the entire following week. This is intended to help you plan your week, set aside any gear you need, and get excited for what’s to come!

Simply log into Wodify or the mobile app, select the program you want to view, and change the date.

Weekly Summary Video

Moving forward, each Sunday we will be publishing the “Foundry Forecast” – a short preview of what to expect from each day in the coming week, the stimulus and benefits, as well as any announcements or current events.

See the first video in the series here.

Additional Programming Options

In addition to the daily workout, we are also supplying some additional program streams to benefit certain scenarios.

RX+ Accessory

This program provides extra training for those who have the time and energy for additional volume. It is broken into three components.
(A) Additional conditioning work
(C) Additional Strength or Gymnastics work
(B) The CrossFit programming for that day

If you are looking to make faster progress with respect to your conditioning or strength/gymnastics, We recommend picking one of the tracks (A or C) to do 2-3 times per week. The accessory work is designed in synergy with the general program, so you can feel confident you are not overtraining one or more movements.

This program could also be used if you don’t have time to complete a full class. Pick either the metcon (A) or strength/gymnastics (C), either part can be completed in 30 minutes.

Travel WoD

Many of you have asked how to stay on track while on the road. Now we have a solution! The Travel WoD workouts take 20-30 minutes to complete and can be performed with minimal equipment such as jump ropes, dumbbells, and bikes (things that are usually available at a hotel gym.)

Other Changes

No Set Rest/Recovery Day

After reviewing attendance for the year, we are no longer programming recovery or monostructural only workouts. While such workouts can be very beneficial, we noticed a big dip in attendance on those days. We understand that you don’t always have control over which days you can make it to the gym, and we want each day to feel intense and fun.

While different days will continue to be heavier, lighter, longer or shorter, you can expect that no matter which day you train you will experience that high-intensity feeling. For those with a more flexible schedule please remember to take off at least one day per week.

MetCon Duration

Metcons will last between 10-25 minutes, slightly longer than historical averages. We expect this to improve stamina and body comp for all athletes, especially intermediate level athletes who know the movements but are still learning how to create high power.

We hope you enjoy these updates and new features. If you have any questions or comments, please let us know!

Next week we will get into the effects of our workouts, and how they compare and contrast from other workout philosophies.

Live Awesomely!

-Justin Quandt | Founder