A: Skill development/practice
15:00 Muscle-up progression review and practice of the transition skill set
those with: EOM10 x3-5 muscle-ups, last set max reps unbroken
those without: OTM10 x3-5 pull-ups + x3-5 matador dips
B: MetCon – 3:00 clocks
- 500m row
- 30 Jerks #BW
- 500m row
- 30 hang power clean #BW
- 500m row
- 30 deadlift #BW
- 500m row
* 3:00 will be given to complete each segment of work. Your score will be total REST in seconds across rounds as accumulated at the end of each round before the clock resets.
blah I missed out today
That was brutal. Hopefully I’ll be that much stronger for it!