
The Foundry Printers Row, The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit


Max Out Week!!! Each day this week we will be maxing a particular lift. Please spend any additional gym time on mobility and setting yourself up for a Personal Record (PR). The schedule will be as follows…

Monday – Back Squat + Metcon
Tuesday – Strict Press + Metcon
Wednesday – Deadlift + Metcon
Thursday – Make Up Day + Metcon
Friday – Snatch and Clean + Jerk

Please update both your profile and payment information on the Wodify system. You can login and update personal information (DOB etc) add a picture to your profile (try and look good!) and add the payment information you want used for your membership, even if we had the same information in the old system as we cannot transfer it over!

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Back Squat (20:00 to build to 1RM)



Odd mins – 3 Muscle Ups OR 5 Strict Pull Ups

Even mins – 10 Burpees