
The Foundry Union Station, The Foundry Printers Row – CrossFit

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3 rounds of in 10 minutes:

With and empty bar

5 deadlifts

5 bent over rows

5 hi pulls

5 front squats

5 shoulder press

5 good mornings

5 back squats


Coach led barbell warm up


Clean and Jerk (1 rep every 15s for 8:00)

75% of 1RM (power)

This should be very challenging to complete.


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

9x [90s on/ 30s off]

1. max back squats @ 135/95

2. 150m row SPRINT

3. rest
Groups of 3.

Back Squats come from the rack.

Score total back squat reps (as an individual).