The Foundry Printers Row, The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit
3 Rounds
6 Push-up to side opening plank
10 Bar Kips
14 Air Squats
18 Jumping Jacks
5 Minutes Coach Lead Shoulder Mobility
Muscle-ups (10 x 1-5)
15:00 of Muscle-up review, progressions and practice.
OTM 10 x 1-5
Choose either…
-Bar Muscle-ups
-Chest-to-Bar Pull-up + 2 Dips
-Pull-up + 2 Push-ups
-5 Ring Rows + 5 Push-up
**For every C2B pull-up do 2 Dips
**For every Pull-up do 2 Push-ups
Metcon (Time)
6 Rounds For Time – CAP 10
6 Power Snatches (95/65)
6 Lateral Over The Bar Burpees
Snatches (115/85)