The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit
Thoracic spine and/or hamstrings
A1: Deadlift (1 x 1 @30X1)
Build to a heavy single with a 3 second negative.
suggested warm up sets:
first 2 sets w/o neg.
A2: work on your pull up challenge. Last few days.
20 minutes for this section.
A3: Single Arm Half Kneeling DB/KB press (3 x 8 per side)
Complete your working sets in between your deadlifts and pull ups. Think of this as an upper body warm up for the metcon.
B: Skill conditioning (otm series: DL/HSPU (AMRAP – Reps)
OTM 12
Odds: 5 Heavy Deadlifts (should be heavy but unbroken for 5, most people will be around 75% of 1RM)
Evens: HSPU
Score is lowest and highest set of hspu
Write DL weight on the notes.
Athletic: 1 ab mat
Health: double KB/DB push press (choose a weight that will allow you to complete 8-12 reps each round)