The Foundry Printers Row, The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit
Question of the Day
Do you know anyone who ran the marathon this weekend?
2 minutes of double under practice, then…
2 rounds of:
-12 jumping jacks
-6 ring rows/pullups
-6 knees to elbows
-12 jumping lunges
Teams of 2
3 rounds through five stations
2:00 on/:30 transition (15 total intervals)
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
1. Rope climbs or rope lowers (1 for 1)*
2. Battle rope (P1), bar hang (P2)
3. Double unders (30 for 30)**
4. Partner medball situps (20/14)
5. 20m sandbag sprint (1 for 1)***
Score is total reps (battle rope not included)
*1 rope climb = 10 reps, 1 rope lower = 5 reps
**If partner fails before 30 reps = automatic switch
***20m sprint = 2 reps