
The Foundry Union Station, The Foundry Printers Row – CrossFit

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1 rounds of:

10 m inchworm w/ push up.

10 m spiderman stretch

10 m toe walk w/ hands overhead (stay in a hollow position)

10 m straight leg gymnastics bearcrawl

10 m side step to good morning

10 m of coach’s choice drill

Then 1.5 tabata.


– hollow hold

– superman

– single arm kb swing right arm

– single arm kb swing left arm

Equipment: light KB


Inversions, OTM 12

20-30s hold (athletes should choose a scale that has them actively focusing on midline stability)


B)Handstand against wall (facing wall or facing away from wall, be mindful of body position)

C) Tripod extended

D) Tripod


Metcon (Time)

Teams of 3 For Time, CAP 20

9 total rounds (everyone does everything 3 times)

500m row

20 kb snatch from swing (10 per side) 53/35

10 HSPU*

-Rotate once all work is complete

*RX means flat surface, if abmat is needed it must have 45# plates on both sides. Scaled to 1 or 2 abmats and box hspu.