A:dynamic effort press
OTM10 x3 @ 75% of 1RM press
B: 6 cycles
:20 flutter kicks
:20 arm haulers
:20 REST
C: windmill/ mobility
20:00 intermix
- KB Windmill 3L + 3R increasing weight each round if form is maintained
- 2:00 mobility drills with bands, rollers, or floor
D: MetCon
- 100 BURPEES!
- AMRAP double unders
yay! I cannot do them very quickly, but burpees are my favorite excercise 🙂
You might be the first person I’ve ever heard say that!
lol, I don’t believe that. I mean come on 100 burpees or 100 squats? 100 burpees or 100 pushups? 100 burpees or 100 broad jumps? no brainer.
Burpees wear me out fast. I’ll take squats or pushups over them any day.
funny…I think Amanda said that same thing 🙂