The Foundry Union Station, The Foundry Printers Row – CrossFit
Context: Practice
Coach’s choice general warm up
Mobility: Shoulder
Skill Practice Warm Up:
Spend 10 minutes working on a pause squat clean (pause 3s at the knee) x 2 at 80-90% effort.
If you want more volume, perform 3 reps on the minute for 7 minutes at approximately 50-60%.
Drunken Sailor Down Below (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)
In 5 minutes –
Rope Climbs (Performance: 3 reps, Athletic*: 2 reps, Health: 6 Rope Lowers)
then max rounds:
16 KB Snatches – one hand, alternate R/L as desired- (Performance: 53lb, Athletic*: 35lb, Health: 18lb)
10 burpees
**REST 2 minutes**
In 5 minutes (again) –
Rope Climbs (same as before)
then max rounds starting where you left off last round:
16 KB Snatches – one hand, alternate R/L as desired- (same as before)
10 burpees
*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)
Scaling Guide: 4 – 8 rounds.
Cash Out
Optional ‘Cash Out’: 16 box step ups, 40 double unders, max rounds in 4 min