
The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit


Context: Training

Mobility: HIps


A: Front Squat (7 x 1 @10×1)

7 sets to build up to a heavy single @ 1 down, explode up.

(18 minute clock to complete FS and active mobility/stability work)

Active mobility/stability:


B: (18.01.15) All in a row (AMRAP – Reps)

6 Rounds for Total Reps:

Every 90 seconds:

5 Fronts Squats @ 50% of “A”

10 Burpees over the bar

AMRAP Double Unders* (health: singles)

(9 minutes total)

*Women’s RX
Athletic: 4 front squats, 8 burpees over bar, health: 4 front squats, 6 burpees over bar.

Scaling guideline: 20-30 sec of double unders