The Foundry Printers Row, The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit
Question of the Day
What was your best or favorite subject in school? Why?
Alternate burpees and squats:
10-8-6 burpees
15-12-9 squats or thrusters w/ empty bar
*Coach led barbell warmup and skill review
Clean and Jerk (8 x 1 Complex)
Complex is….
1x Cluster
1x Clean & Jerk
*Sets to be completed on a 1:30 clock
*First set is at 50% of 1RM
*Build weight across working sets
*Rest :05-:10 between Cluster and C&J
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Odds – Max Kcal Row
Evens – Max Burpees
* :15 additional transition between rounds
* Score is total for of Kcal and burpees combined