
The Foundry Union Station, The Foundry Printers Row – CrossFit

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2 rounds in 8 min of:

5 deadlifts

5 upright rows

5 front squats

5 shoulder press

5 good mornings

5 back squats

10 spiderman stretch

:30 sec front rack stretch

Equipment: empty bar and green or black band


Clean (10x [complex] @ 1:45 clock)

Clean Pull + Pocket Clean + Full Clean

50-75% of 1RM

*Focus on avoiding the early arm bend. Wait for your posterior chain (legs and back) to pull the bar into the high thigh/power position before beginning to pull with the arms.


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

2x 3:00

400m run + AMRAP thrusters 115/75

Rest 3:00

2x 3:00

400m run + AMRAP shoulder to overhead 115/75
RX+ is 135/95

4 total runs