The Foundry Union Station, The Foundry Printers Row – CrossFit
Rotate through the following stations twice. 2x (:35 sec on/ : 10 sec rest) ( 9 minutes total)
-Goblet squats
-Jump rope
-Glute bridges
-Inchworm to squat stretch
-Spiderman stretch
-alternating lunges
Equipment: KB and jump rope.
Back Squat (3×10 @ 60%)
3:00 clock
*Getting some volume accumulation back in our systems. Do not exceed your 60%.
2 min hamstring barbell smash per side
1:30 min lax ball mid/side glute smash per side
2 min seated hamstring stretch (pancake stretch)
1:30 min couch stretch per side
2 min lax ball scap smash per side
1 min banded lat stretch per side
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
8x [30s on/10s off]
Odd rounds: double unders
Even rounds: burpees
Score = total reps
There is NO SUB for double unders…practice them 🙂