The Foundry Union Station, The Foundry Printers Row – CrossFit
3 rounds of
8 squat stretch
8 Spiderman stretch
8 side lunges
8 kips- pulling variations
16 calf raises
8 walking lunges
8 back Squats*
*start at empty bar and add weight but do not exceed 40% of your 1RM.
Specific Warm Up:
(During the 20 min clock)
5 reps @ 50%
5 reps @ 60%
5 reps @ 70%
20:00 to warm up and complete all working sets
Back Squat (5 @ 75%)
Back Squat (3 @ 85%)
Back Squat (1 @ 95%)
IF you fail this rep, then take one extra DROP SET: 3 reps @ 75%
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
100 double unders
10 chest to bar pullups
80 double unders
8 chest to bar pullups
60 double unders
6 chest to bar pullups
40 double unders
4 chest to bar pullups
20 double unders
2 chest to bar pullups
Start back at 100 dubs if you finish 1 complete round.
Scale for dubs is double singles.
RX+ is bar MU