
The Foundry Printers Row, The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit

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As many rounds as possible in 8 min:

7 suitcase deadlifts per side

7 squat stretch

7 scap push ups

7 pvc pass through

7 overhead squat

7 snatch balance

7 kips- ring rows- pull ups

Single Leg RDL (6×6 on each leg)

– 20:00 to complete all working sets and warm up sets.

– Do not alternate legs. Complete 6 reps on one side followed by 6 reps on the other.

– Start with an empty bar as your first warm up set


Choose 1 of the following…

Amanda (Time)

Snatch, 135#/95#
CAP 15

Ring MU only

Full snatches (squat)

Metcon (Time)

For Time, CAP 15


Power snatch 95/65

Chest to bar pullups