The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit
Context: Practice/Competition
Mobility: overhead/wrist
A: Clean (5 x 1 complex)
5 sets x 1 complex :
3 position pause clean progression =
a) floor – knees- pockets-Muscle Clean
b) floor – knees- pockets-Power Clean
c) floor – knees- pockets-Power Clean + Front squat
d) floor – knees- pockets-Squat Clean
Start at 40% of Clean and Build up to 65%.
The goal is to improve each part of the clean and building up to the full movement.
Remember Mechanics-Consistency-Instensity
Every 3 minutes
B: (17.12.06) Make it stop (Time)
For Time:
Thrusters (Health: 35#, Athletic*70#, Performance: 105#)
Burpee over the bar