The Foundry Union Station, The Foundry Printers Row – CrossFit
Context: Mental Toughness
Mobility: Shoulder
General warm up: coach led
Skill Practice Warm Up: Spend 10 minutes working handstand, handstand walking, and HSPU progressions. Keep the HSPU strict until you can do at least one strict rep down to 1 abmat today. If you can do deficit, do them!
Washed Ashore (Time)
For time CAP 25
Row (Performance: 1200m / Athletic: 1000m* / Health: 800m)
Then 4 rounds
10 kipping pull ups (10/10*/5 with a band)
20 m walking lunge
15 toes-to-bar
15 burpees
*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)
Scaling Guide: 16 – 23 min, 4:20 for the row and then about 3:00 per round after.
Scale Up RX+: Chest to bar instead of kipping pull ups.