The Foundry Union Station, The Foundry Printers Row – CrossFit
2 rounds in 10 minutes
8 squat stretch
10 superman to hollow
8 pass throughs
10 band pull downs
8 kb bent over row
10 kb thrusters (5 per side)
8 scap pull ups
Equipment: light/medium kb and light band
Strict pullups, OTM 15
Rotate through the following 5 times.
a) Strict Pull Ups 4-6 challenging reps (weighted, least assistance from band or 3 sec. neg w/ assistance during the concentric)
b) 2-8 Kipping Pull ups or CTB (scale to kips with focus on straight arms on the back swing of the kip)
c) rest
Weighted Pull-ups (4-6 reps)
if weighted pull ups score heaviest set
Pull-ups (4-6 )
if body weight or banded score last set of strict pull ups.
write the band used, rings or negative in the notes.
Metcon (Time)
For Time, CAP 20
50 wall balls 20/14
40 russian twist ( right and left = 1 rep)
30 ball slams
20 med ball sit ups
10 push ups
REST 5:00
25 wallballs
20 russian twist
15 ball slams
10 med ball sit up
5 pushups
RX+ HSPU, NO Abmats