
The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit

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Coaches Choice


A: Hang Power Snatch (7 sets x 1 Complex)

7 sets x 1 complex:


1 high hang power snatch (pockets)

1 mid hang power snatch (above knee)

1 low hang power snatch (below knee)

Remember that each rep builds upon each other. Focus on quality movement.

Work around 50% of 1RM and keep the same weight for all sets.


B(a): Baseline (Time)

Baseline: Cap 10 min

500m Row

40 Air Squats

30 Sit ups

20 Push up

10 Pull ups

B(b): Assault Baseline (Time)

For Time CAP 12 minutes

60 Cal. Assault Bike

50 Air Squats

40 Sit Ups

30 Push Ups

20 Pull Ups

10 Burpees
If you have done Baseline multiple times or if your time is under 5 minutes. Then you have the option to try this new baseline.

Multiple heats will be needed today.