The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit
Skill Work
A: Running Skill/Agility
(15 to review skill)
B: (18.03.14) Pi Day (3.14159265358979323) (Time)
3 rounds for time:
CAP 31
14 burpees to 6” target
15 KB deadlifts 53/35*/26#
9 goblet squats (same)
26 lateral hops over KB (R+L=2)
5* wall walks (athletic:4, health: 3)
35 wall balls 20/14*/10#
8 tuck ups
9 hollow rocks
7 toe touch crunch
9 Superman
32 cal row (athletic*: 23, health: 16)
RX +: 70/53, GHD hip extension @45/25# , Assault Bike Cals
-athletes can start at any station