The Foundry Printers Row, The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit
With a partner
1.5 tabata (12 rounds of :20 sec on/:10 secs off)
row and double under practice
at the end of six rounds of a tabata switch movements.
12 air squats (optional: add mini band)
12 side lunges
12 hollow rocks
12 step ups
12 jumping jacks
Coach led hip mobility.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
OTM 2 for 30 minutes (5 total rounds)
1. 10 Back Squat
2. 250 m Row Sprint
3. AMRAP double unders
Rx = 185/135
Rx+ = 225/155
* Score is total double unders
** Warning – Back Squats are HARD after a max effort set of DU