
The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit


Context: Practice

Moblity: Coaches Choice

Skill Work

Double Unders:

technique and efficiency.

Proficient is not the same a efficient.


B: (18.01.31) Anaerobic Alactic Endurance (:20 @1:11) (Calories)

For Accumulated Calories

Every 4 minutes

: 20 sec MAX EFFORT assault bike/ rest remaining time

x 3

(12 minutes Total)

Yes, it is a lot of rest. The intensity is so high that the rest is necessary in order to complete this workout.

B: (18.01.31) OTM KB/WB/DU (12) (AMRAP – Reps)

Every minute on the Minute for 12 minutes

Odds: 15 Russian KB swing 70/53/35

Evens: 12 Wall Balls (20/14/10) + AMRAP Double Unders

Athletic:10 wall balls


RX Score is Total Double Unders

Athletic Score is Double Unders and attempts

Health Score is Alternating Singles