A: ‘Punish Your Weakness’
bodyweight density – EOM20 alternating couplets 40ON:20OFF
odd: 8 alternating lunges + amrap double unders
even: 8 toes to bar + amrap burpees
* 20:00 of density training performing alternating couplets on odd and even minutes :40 work followed by :20 rest
B: Mobility/ REST 10:00
C: MetCon
10 rounds – 2:00 clock
- 10 Kcal row
- 10 front squats #135/95
*rounds run consecutively, complete work as quickly as possible working for accumulated rest. The squats should be done at 50% of RM or Rx, whichever is lighter (in other words use a weight that allows you to complete squats unbroken with flawless technique).