Partner WoD
AMRAP15 (score by 10m of farmers carries as a team)
Ladder by 20m (20m-40m-60m-80m…)
- Shuttle Run (by 10m lengths)
- Double KB Farmers Carry (#53/35)
*The workout will start with each partner completing a distance of 20m shuttle followed by each completing a 20m farmers carry. The team will proceed by incrementally advancing the distance of the shuttles and farmers carries by 20m per round until the 15:00 clock expires. The ladder will increase from 20m by 20m (20m-40m-60m-80m-100m…) tallying every 10m of farmers carries to their score .
Skill Advancement
- Hand Stand Push-up (hand balance)
Body Weight Density
10:00 (40:20)
- odd: 8 CTB pull-up + amrap burpee
- even: 12 Toes to Bar + amrap burpee