Preparation Sequence
5-8 reps at 3 positions (eyes – hips – ankles)
- Y
- T
- M
- Windows
- Press
Kettlebell Complex:
Kurtis B
with Double Kettlebells, E:30 for 20sets – REST between sets is in rack position
- Left, Forward Front Lunge
- Right, Forward Front Lunge
- DBL KB, Push Press
- DBL KB, Push Press
- Left, Reverse Overhead Lunge
- Right, Reverse Overhead Lunge
*if a set is missed REST full :30 interval with bells on the ground then resume.
Compensation Sequence
- Y-T-M, x10 fast
- W-Y, x10 w/ :02 NEG
- Archer, x10 L+R
- Angels, x20
Plyo Test2:
PVC Tuck Jump, 30″/24″
- Tabata – 8 cycles, 20:10