
The Foundry Union Station, The Foundry Printers Row – CrossFit

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3 rounds in 9 minutes of:

5 push ups

5 deadlifts

5 hang to high pull

5 hang power clean

5 push press behind the neck wide grip

5 hang power snatch

5 vertical jumps


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


4 burpees

8 hang power cleans 95/65

4 box jumps 24/20

8 hang power snatch 95/65

4 burpee box jumps

Rest 1 minute


16-20 minutes of in class mobility:

Suggested drills

2 minutes of foam roll quads (per leg)

2 minutes rolling adductors (per leg)

2 minutes of frog stretch

2 minutes of couch stretch (per leg)

1 minute of calf stretch (per leg)

2 minutes of hamstring stretch (coach’s choice)