
The Foundry Union Station, The Foundry Printers Row – CrossFit

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400 m run

2 rounds 10 reps of each.

-pvc pass throughs

-banded pull dows

-band pull aparts (chest level)

-single arms KB swings (per side)

-ring rows

-jumping jacks


Kipping Progression, OTM 12

1-3 >> 10 scapular pullups

4-6 >> 5-6 kip swings or butterfly kip (small range of motion to get the rhythym)

7-9 >> 3-8 kipping pullups or kipping chest to bar (or butterfly)

10-12 >>3-5 gymnastics kip on rings, hip to rings, hip to bar or highest kip possible. (the goal is to start getting close to MU).


Metcon (Time)

For Time, CAP 22

6 Rounds

400m run

8 squat clean @ 115/75

RX+ is 135/95