The Foundry Union Station, The Foundry Printers Row – CrossFit
3 rounds
8 air squats
8 pvc pass throughs
8 good mornings
8 banded bent over rows
8 KB windmills
:25 second hollow hold
:25 second superman hold
:25 second active hold
5 scap pull ups
3 ring rows
Pull-ups (OTM 8 X 30%)
Strict Pullups, OTM 8
a) At 30% of rep max established in Week 1.
Ex. If you did 10 Strict pull ups last week your 30% would be 3 pull ups.
b) If you had more than 10 pull ups, then add some weight so that you can maintain 2-5 pull ups every minute.
c) Scale to hit the rep scheme every time, that might mean using bands or going down to ring rows (that’s okay)
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
KB Complex @ 53/35
20 rkbs
10 goblet squats
10 russian twists (down and back is 1 rep)